Thank you for choosing to donate your used ink cartridges to help support - C34665.
General fundraising has been hit very hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of fundraising events have been cancelled and many charities, particularly smaller ones, are struggling to maintain services because of this huge reduction in income. Musculoskeletal problems impact all sectors of society from children to the elderly; please support us this Christmas in helping to make a difference through donating to Joint Action. Find out more about Joint Action, The Orthopaedic Research Appeal of the BOA online and the clinical trials we are currently funding,
Recycle4Charity is a free, easy to use programme for empty ink cartridges. A simple way to help the environment whilst raising money for the charity, school or not for profit of your choice.
Donations of up to £2 for each eligible ink cartridge posted to Recycle4Charity will be paid to