Thank you for choosing to donate your used ink cartridges to help support - C139534.
Thank you for coming to our pinter cartridge recycling page. Please help us do two good things by doing one small act - save your printer cartridges and give them to us so we benefit financially which helps us to run the charity and provide paid work experience to neurodiverse adults. And the second thing is that by diverting those cartridges they do not end up in landfill. Win, win. Cartridges can be dropped off at our office: Unit 2, Executive Park, 227 Hatfield Rd, St Albans AL1 4TA. The A Team
Recycle4Charity is a free, easy to use programme for empty ink cartridges. A simple way to help the environment whilst raising money for the charity, school or not for profit of your choice.
Donations of up to £2 for each eligible ink cartridge posted to Recycle4Charity will be paid to